Executive Board & Officers
Our PTA is led by volunteers from our Willett community. We work collaboratively on behalf of Willett students, teachers, and families. Please join us!
Executive Board 2024-25
President: Katie Lasker (president@willettpta.org)
VP Communications: Jessica Lundberg (communications@willettpta.org)
First VP Fundraising: Gogo Sanchez (fundraising@willettpta.org)
Treasurer: Erin Autry Montgomery
Financial Secretary: Nihan Alassaad
Secretary: Naomi Olvera
Parliamentarian: Tyler Asmundson
Historian: Jean Tayac
Auditor: Luke Reynolds
Program Officers/Coordinators 2024-25
Bike to School (aka Active4.me): Vincent Fox & Maureen Vollmer
Book Fair Coordinator: Erin Autry Montgomery
BRAVO Music: Fei MacLeod
Coffee-with-the-Principal: Sahar Pirmoradian
Davis Parents University Representative: Maureen Vollmer
End-of-Year Celebration Lead: TBA
Garden Coordinator & Pollinator-Friendly Garden: Jessica Lundberg
Hospitality: Amber Kenner
Jog-a-thon Fundraiser: TBA
Lunar New Year Celebration: Gogo Sanchez
New Family Ambassador: TBA (newfamilies@willettpta.org)
Room Parent Co-Coordinators: Cathy Escobedo & Meg Padovani
6th Grade Celebration Lead: Wendy McNaughton
3rd Grade Garden of Learning: Chris Hartley & Julie Hartley
Yearbook: Dave Talkington