Get Involved With Your School Community!
Thank you for contributing to our school community! See below for info on volunteering, joining the PTA, donating, and other ways to raise funds for Willett.
Looking for little (or big) ways to help out Willett? Email with little or big ideas to support the Willett Community!
Providing snacks for the teacher's lounge once in a while
Fostering connections among grade level students
Book Fair Volunteer interest
Plan events & contribute ideas
Teacher Appreciation Event contributions
And more!
Support the Willett PTA via:
Nugget Scrip (cards available at Nugget or Willett office)
Farm Fresh to You Produce Boxes: Farm Fresh to You will give 10% back to Willett PTA if you enter the promo code WILLETTOWLS during checkout, or add it to your Account Summary if you (or someone you know) already receives a box.
Sign up and browse options here.
FAQ: Joining the PTA
If I pay $12 to join the PTA, then do I have to attend the meetings?
Our PTA meetings are fun and informative, but attendance is NOT mandatory. Our PTA General membership meetings are a chance for you to participate (i.e. VOTE) in how we raise money, spend money, create community, and support our teachers and students. Come if/when you can!
Where are my membership dues going?
The Willett PTA keeps a portion of your dues, and the rest goes to the CalPTA. Joining the PTA provides critical funds for teachers to start the school year with funds to purchase supplies like markers, paper, and scissors. We encourage everyone in the Willett community to join the our PTA as a way to showing support for our school community.
Why should I join the PTA if I work full-time?
Joining the PTA does NOT mean you are required to volunteer! But, if you'd like to get involved, there are so many ways to help your school community no matter your schedule or interests. Please have a look here for a description of sponsored programs and events, see here for current ways to help out, or talk with a PTA board member.